Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Forum Internum: A special court in the church that deals with matters of conscience or confession. It is a place where people can go to talk about their problems and receive guidance from a priest or other religious authority. It is also known as the "internal tribunal."
Definition: Forum internum (pronounced "for-uhm in-tur-num") is a Latin term used in Ecclesiastical law to refer to a court of conscience or a court for matters of conscience or the confessional.
Example: In the Catholic Church, the forum internum is a confidential space where a person can confess their sins to a priest and receive absolution. The priest is bound by the seal of confession and cannot reveal what was said in the confessional.
Explanation: The example illustrates how the forum internum is used in the context of the Catholic Church. It is a private and confidential space where a person can confess their sins and receive spiritual guidance without fear of judgment or punishment. The priest acts as a judge of conscience and provides absolution to the penitent. The forum internum is an important aspect of the Catholic sacrament of reconciliation and is considered a sacred and inviolable space.