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Term: Judgment Roll
Definition: A judgment roll is a record of all the documents filed in a court case, including the pleadings, motions, and orders. It is important to file all necessary documents to create a complete judgment roll. The judgment roll is used to make sure that the court's decision is based on all the relevant information. It is also used in an appeal to review the court's decision. A judgment roll appeal is when the appeal is based on the contents of the judgment roll.
A judgment roll is a record of all the documents and pleadings filed in a court case that led to a final judgment. It includes the court's decision, any orders made, and the amount of money owed by the losing party.
For example, if someone sues another person for breach of contract and wins the case, the judgment roll will include the complaint, the answer, any motions filed, the court's decision, and the amount of damages awarded.
The judgment roll is important because it serves as a permanent record of the case and can be used to enforce the judgment. It is also used in appeals to review the lower court's decision.