


Simple English definitions for legal terms

letters of credence

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A quick definition of letters of credence:

Letters of Credence: These are special documents that give permission to a diplomat to work in another country. They show that the diplomat is officially representing their own country and have been approved by the government of the country they are visiting. Letters of Credence are also called Letter of Credence or LC/LC.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Letters of credence are official documents that accredit a diplomat to the government of the country they are being sent to. They are also known as a letter of credence and are abbreviated as LC or L/C.

Example: When a new ambassador is appointed to represent their country in another country, they are given letters of credence by their own government. These letters are then presented to the government of the country they are being sent to, as proof of their official status.

Explanation: The example illustrates how letters of credence are used in international diplomacy. They are important because they establish the legitimacy of a diplomat's position and give them the authority to represent their country in official matters. Without letters of credence, a diplomat would not be recognized as an official representative of their country and would not be able to carry out their duties.

letters of absolution | letters of guardianship


General chat about the legal profession.
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They can make space, they just have to backfill a gorge.
lmao i love that for you
the funny part is i use a wheelchair, so i want to email them and be like i bring my own seat
lmao that’s perfect
they can just have one more seat in class for you :)
If you guys hadn't heard back from a school at this point would you call?
Having to deal with FAFSA, insurance, etc with school I have deposit with & feel a timeline would be a huge help
nah i'd cry, give up and start working on materials for next cycle
jk yea you should call
I have been crying this whole time process lol
ah ok perfect, same
same lol
ugh I got another waitlist update but sounded more like they're prepping me for an R
what makes you think that?
We believe our incoming class is relatively stable, and we will now proceed to render final decisions on all applications over the next few weeks. Over the last three months, very few incoming students have withdrawn or requested deferrals. Therefore, we did release the majority of waitlisted applicants. You are receiving this email following the most recent round of evaluations. Still, our 1L Orientation is weeks away; specifically, Monday, August 19. Classes begin Thursday, August 22. In the meantime, deposited students may change their enrollment plans, in which case we will quickly make new offers of admission. Last year, we made over a dozen offers to those on the waitlist between early July and mid-August. This has been an unusual cycle filled with many unexpected twists and turns. We do not take for granted all the time, effort, and energy you have invested into considering Rutgers for your legal education. Regardless of the outcome, we believe you will find success over the ne
What school
Greetings from BU Law! We write to share that in the next few days we will be admitting from the waitlist. This process of admissions is likely to continue gradually throughout the summer. If you remain interested in attending BU Law, please reach out now to share your continued interest by replying to this email. Please be sure to include any updates to your resume or contact information. We also understand that your plans for the fall may already be solidified – if this is the case, please withdraw from the waitlist by emailing waitlist@bu.edu. We appreciate your patience and your enthusiasm for BU Law and look forward to hearing from you.
@baddestbunny: did you get an email from BU last week from a women named Chloe
chika chika slim shady
giving up on this cycle has been so freeing, I'm so happy w my essays for fall so far
should i give up on sending follow ups where im still WLed?
dont give up, dont eva give up
sigh good point i guess
i just kinda wanna skip ahead to 9/1 and get next cycle going
damn brodie u must have never seen click
finna make yo hard times look pretty. i watched my grandpa say penis
we need a class of '28 cycle groupchat so we all can shine
oops that was in response to giving up
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