Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Definition: Lex Papia Poppea is a law proposed by the consuls Papius and Poppeus at the request of Augustus in Roman law. It is usually considered with the lex Julia de maritandis ordinibus as one law. The law regulates marriages, imposes a duty to be married on all men between 25 and 60, and on all women between 20 and 50, and forbids marriages between senators and freedwomen, and forbids senators and all other freeborn citizens from marrying actresses, prostitutes, and the like. The law also exempts women with three children or more from being placed under guardianship.
Example: A man who is 30 years old and unmarried would be required to get married under the Lex Papia Poppea law. However, a woman who is 55 years old and unmarried would not be required to get married because she is over the age limit.
Explanation: The example illustrates the duty to be married imposed by the law on men between 25 and 60 and women between 20 and 50. The exemption for women with three children or more from being placed under guardianship is also illustrated in the example.