


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Macedonian Decree

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A quick definition of Macedonian Decree:

Term: Macedonian Decree

Definition: The Macedonian Decree is a type of law created by the Roman Senate called the Senatus Consultum Macedoniacum. It was used to govern the province of Macedonia, which was a region in ancient Greece. The Macedonian Decree helped to establish rules and regulations for the people living in Macedonia, and it was an important part of the Roman Empire's legal system.

A more thorough explanation:

A Macedonian Decree is a type of decree issued by the Roman Senate in ancient times. It is also known as the Senatus Consultum Macedonianum.

For example, in 167 BC, the Roman Senate issued the Macedonian Decree to divide the conquered territory of Macedonia into four separate republics.

This decree was significant because it marked the end of the Macedonian Kingdom and the beginning of Roman rule in the region. It also established a new political structure that would shape the region for centuries to come.

The Macedonian Decree is an important historical document that provides insight into the political and social changes that occurred during the Roman Republic. It illustrates how the Roman Senate used its power to shape the political landscape of conquered territories and establish its authority over new regions.

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Personal stuff with my ex :/. I wanted to vent to strangers on the internet lol
How’s Cornell? 4th week this week?
that sucks :(
yeah were just ending the 4th week
lots of work, but manageable
It does. Really bad, I think my boss new I was crying in my car lolllll
sorry that sucks
That’s good! You got a good routine going?
It’s ok, we ball
we ball
yeah, try to get most of the readings done on the weekends so the weeks arent as bad
hurting for free time though
wasp i just looked at your cycle and did you like pee in the shoes of admissions officers?
the retroactive withdrawls really hurt me
made them question my ability to stick through law school
withdrawals in undergrad?
yeah 2 years of classes
ah you filed retro W's from classes in UG?
ah okay, sorry homie that's rough
it's fine i got into one of my top choices so im really happy
<3 happy for you
getting into cornell is hugeee
^^^^^ would love to get into Cornell lmao
or anywhere!
you got it, believeeee
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