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Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L.

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A quick definition of Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. :

Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. is a court case where a student named B.L. posted some pictures on Snapchat that were vulgar and expressed her frustration about not making the varsity cheerleading team. The school suspended her from the junior varsity cheerleading team for the upcoming year, but B.L. argued that her First Amendment rights had been violated. The Supreme Court agreed with B.L. and said that schools cannot punish students for off-campus speech unless it causes a substantial disruption at school. The Court also said that schools can regulate certain types of speech on campus, but they must protect unpopular speech because schools are important for democracy.

A more thorough explanation:

Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. is a 2021 U.S. Supreme Court case that dealt with whether public school officials can regulate student speech that occurs off campus. The case involved B.L., a student at Mahanoy Area High School, who posted two photos on Snapchat over the weekend. One photo showed B.L. and her friend with their middle fingers out and a vulgar caption, while the other expressed frustration that she did not make the varsity cheerleading team. One of B.L.’s Snapchat friends shared these photos with others, and eventually, the photos were revealed to a cheerleading squad coach at the school. In response, school officials suspended B.L. from the junior varsity cheerleading squad for the upcoming year. B.L. filed a lawsuit, arguing that her First Amendment rights had been violated.

The Supreme Court ultimately ruled in favor of B.L., stating that the school could not discipline her for her off-campus speech. The Court outlined three categories of speech that schools can regulate: 1) “indecent,” “lewd,” or “vulgar” speech on school grounds, 2) speech that promotes illegal drug use during class trips, and 3) speech that appears to “bear[s] the imprimatur of the school,” such as a school newspaper. However, the Court also recognized that public schools may be justified in regulating off-campus speech in particular circumstances.

The Court found that B.L.’s speech was protected by the First Amendment because it occurred outside of school hours at an off-campus location, with a circle of her friends, and did not identify anyone specifically in her posts. The Court also found that the school’s interest in prohibiting vulgar language in criticism of school officials was diminished in this case because B.L. did not use vulgar language on school grounds, and the school was not acting in loco parentis.

Justice Alito wrote a concurring opinion, providing a framework that courts might follow when analyzing a case like this. That opinion suggests the question courts must ask in cases like this is whether the parent can be reasonably understood to have given the school the authority to regulate the student speech in question. Justice Alito also advised courts to take notice of the difference between vulgar speech that targets the school and vulgar speech that targets a particular individual of the school.

Justice Thomas wrote a dissenting opinion, where he stated the majority opinion was ignoring historical cases that found schools can regulate speech that occurs off campus when it has a proximate tendency to harm the school, students, programs, or faculty members.

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@HeadyInvincibleRabbit: Mostly using https://www.lsd.law/download and the 509 repots
fml i'm a november applicant that still hasn't heard back
do we know if there are date changes for Rs too? for umich
how come i haven’t heard from some schools w high acceptance rates? what are they up to? like nebraska hasn’t been releasing decisions
is washu done sending out decisions? they just completely ghosted me
@SuperficialBlueWeasel: The reality is you are likely behind a gaggle of Sept-Oct. applicants. THe schools are backed up with apps. Some are fast, others are really slow. Also some schools may have had adcoms retire/ shortage of cannonfadder app readers. Try to chill out/research the schools you have applied to so when you get an answer you can move quick and lock up a deal/
thanks @11ama
In the event you have not received an admissions decision yet, have you tried turning your computer on and off, have you tried checking your span, and have you ensured your email inbox is not full?
I used to come on here and troll people and now I got my first R's and I no longer have a sense of humor
I was interested in applying to 'Bama law. Called them up, asked if they had any distant cousins attending their institution based on family name/ Ancestry.con DNA. They did not. I replied I was regrettably no longer interested in their institution.
Are you sure you ever did
all i'm saying is, i would debase myself to dean cooper for a cornell A
@OlDirtyBtard: Being an asshole is not sufficient for being funny, Unc.
Trust me, I tried it many a times b4/
I wonder if schools are punishing R&R's with no increases to GPA or LSAT.
Or no new work experience.
Last cycle people who are too burnt to go get something impressive to add to their resume and application.
@JuicyApple: Oh no doubt. Wouldn't you be perturbed if you rejected someone and they came back next year with a 'hey boo, its me again' ?
Yeah that’s def a real fear. I think too it puts people who have high stats but are going to reapply in a weird place because you can’t even improve the most important parts of your app
I'm sure it falls in the same category as retaking the LSAT: one more thing to be held against you.
Alrighty then. Sounds bad.
nah tbh just reapp to make them say no
advance out of spite alone
Pretty crazy sheer number of applicants, IMO. I hope people find fulfilling work, yet I fear the future will not reveal said state of affairs since movies/culture makes law seem much more bad ass than it is.
Law = paper pusher maxxing, prove me wrong;
Yeah, idk. I have been here like almost over a year now and I don't understand why half the people I meet go to law school. I was shadowing classes yesterday and today and the people I talked to in those 1L classes were like totally disinterested in the subject, getting questions wrong I knew as a paralegal, and didn't have any idea what they wanted to do post grad. Blew my mind. Maybe it's cus I shadowed a lower ranking scholl yesterday and today but it's weird.
Law school I fear is becoming just like another idk what I want to do post undergrad option and I need more time to find out so I am going to go to school some more which is like the opposite of what people should do.
hey yall, looking for some advice as an undergrad. what's more important .. heavy course load or good GPA?
Good GPA.
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