


Simple English definitions for legal terms

mixed cost

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A quick definition of mixed cost:

A mixed cost is a type of cost that includes both fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are expenses that stay the same no matter how much you produce or sell, like rent or salaries. Variable costs change depending on how much you produce or sell, like materials or labor. Mixed costs have both of these types of costs combined. For example, a phone bill might have a fixed monthly charge plus a variable charge based on how many calls you make.

A more thorough explanation:

A mixed cost is a type of cost that includes both fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs are expenses that remain constant regardless of the level of production or business activity, such as rent or salaries. Variable costs, on the other hand, fluctuate with changes in output or business activity, such as raw materials or labor costs.

For example, a company that produces widgets may have a mixed cost for its production line. The fixed cost may include the rent for the factory space and the salaries of the production line workers, while the variable cost may include the cost of raw materials and the cost of electricity used to power the machines. As the company produces more widgets, the variable costs will increase, but the fixed costs will remain the same.

Another example of a mixed cost is a cell phone plan. The fixed cost may include the monthly service fee, while the variable cost may include the cost of additional data usage or international calls.

Overall, mixed costs are important to consider when analyzing the total cost of production or business operations, as they can have a significant impact on profitability and decision-making.

mixed contract | mixed government


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oh I already took it lol
i’m going to nyc to hang out today
ahh thought you took it today
how do you feel it went?
@RollTide316: I will be an October test taker.
wait is glove taking their test today
manifesting the easiest most stellar and almost fun questions for glove (and everyone else)
Nel folks that could be a 147 i just put up
its a 180 trust
but i know the feeling
its gonna be so good its already so good
manifesting a “it’s gonna be so good” for glove
i paid for the secret extra special same day score preview for gloves lsat and i just read the score and it says “10 points over your highest pt” in the score band
Holy sheeet huge if true wasp
was this lsat weekend?
the movie 弟弟 is so good. movie of the summer
I watched the trailer and it reminded me of Ladybird. I think I will pass but if I'm 5-10 years from now people are still talking about it, I will give it a shot.
Right now with Asian cinema I am stuck in the Zatoichi series.
it’s a pretty standard coming of age movie but i found it really funny and it was nice for me to watch a movie in chinese
now that i’m not in school i never get to practice my chinese anymore
You sound like my brother. He loves movies like this and he complains to me how he can't practice Chinese anymore. Yet, I have chinese friends and he wont speak chinese to them.
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