


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Motion to Dismiss

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A quick definition of Motion to Dismiss:

A motion to dismiss is a request for a court to stop a case. Most cases are stopped because the people involved agree to settle. There are rules that explain how to ask for a dismissal. These rules say that the person who started the case can ask for it to be stopped, or the person who is being sued can ask for it to be stopped. There are also different reasons why a case can be stopped, like if the court doesn't have the power to hear the case or if the person who started the case didn't explain it well enough.

A more thorough explanation:

A motion to dismiss is a formal request made to a court to dismiss a case. This request can be made by either the plaintiff or the defendant.

The most common reason for a case to be dismissed is due to a settlement. Over 97% of federal lawsuits are dismissed because of settlements.

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) provide guidelines for filing a motion to dismiss.

FRCP Rule 41 allows for voluntary dismissal, which can be filed by the plaintiff with or without a court order. Involuntary dismissal can be filed by the defendant.

FRCP Rule 68 contains the guidelines for a settlement offer.

FRCP Rule 12 is often used when filing a motion to dismiss. All 7 sub-sections of 12(b) may be used as grounds for a motion for dismissal. These include dismissals for:

An example of a motion to dismiss would be a defendant filing a motion to dismiss a case due to lack of personal jurisdiction. This means that the defendant is arguing that the court does not have the authority to hear the case because they do not have sufficient ties to the state where the case is being heard.

Another example would be a plaintiff filing a voluntary dismissal without a court order. This means that the plaintiff is choosing to dismiss the case on their own without the need for a judge to make a ruling.

These examples illustrate how a motion to dismiss can be used by either party in a case and the different reasons for dismissal that can be argued.

Motion In Limine | Motion To Quash


General chat about the legal profession.
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yeah most colleges are very liberal with their days off
@ararara: sorry i didn’t think i was saying anything bad, just talking about the waitlist experience
[] ararara
It just sounds like you're dooming I would get off this thing!
i'm happy all the time
going to my ex-boyfriend's best friend's comedy show tn
also it's july i don't think anything substantive is going on in this chat
is your ex’s friend funny
[] ararara
Not if you take the chat and fill it up with long paragraphs so that relevant comments disappear. Please don't be difficult. Have a good day people!
probably? when we were in college he won our school's comedy competition
[] ararara
@pookiebear: CONGRATS GW IS HUGE
that’s cool bunny
yeah idk if my ex shows up i will cry or punch someone
why not both
well i don’t encourage violence but if you feel the need to punch someone hopefully it’s him
hi this doesnt seem like the place to ask this but does anyone know any law schools that are good for a future specialization in immigration law?
they live like two hours away from me and I think the friend decided to do this show specifically to see me which is a whole other can of worms
ooh this is like a romance book
[] ararara
@s95: My cousin is an immigration attorney who recently argued in front of the supreme court. He attended the University of Houston for law school. There are so many good schools for immigration law, countless clinics.
[] ararara
@s95: The higher the rank though basically means more opportunities possibly with a debt trade off. It's hard for me to say more without knowing your goals though. Awesome you already have an idea what you want to do as a lawyer!
[] ararara
I would research immigration law clinics
@s95: generally school specialties are kind of silly. it’s usually the rank of the school that determines the opportunities you can get from it across the board
with caveats for strong regional schools with a regional focus and so on
@s95 University of San Diego
@dkkm10: nice diss
Ahh well I kinda meant that seriously given I know 3 attorneys who went there and they did immigration law afterwards.
They have a really strong immigration clinic too.
Happy fourth of july future lawyers !! :)
USD actually does really well for immigration in the SoCal region, and is known to have a great clinic.
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