


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Service of Process

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A quick definition of Service of Process:

Service of Process: When someone wants to sue another person, they have to let that person know about it. This is called "service of process." The person who wants to sue has to give the other person a paper called a "summons" and a copy of the complaint. They can't just mail it - they have to give it to the person directly or leave it with someone at their home or work. Sometimes, a professional called a "process server" is hired to do this. If the person being sued agrees to get the papers another way, they get more time to respond. The rules for service of process are different in different places.

A more thorough explanation:

Service of process is a legal term that refers to the act of delivering court documents to a defendant in a lawsuit. The United States Constitution requires that defendants have proper notice of court proceedings in order for the court to have jurisdiction over them.

When a plaintiff files a lawsuit, they must arrange for the defendant to be served with a court summons and a copy of the complaint. This is called process. The summons and complaint must be given directly to the defendant or left with a suitable person at their home or place of business. It is usually done by an adult who is not a party to the lawsuit, but professional process servers can also be hired.

For example, if someone is suing their landlord for not returning their security deposit, they must arrange for the landlord to be served with a court summons and a copy of the complaint. This can be done by hiring a professional process server to deliver the documents to the landlord's home or place of business.

There are exceptions to the general rules of service of process. For instance, defendants can waive in-hand service of process, which means they agree to receive the documents by mail instead of in person. If they refuse to waive in-hand service, they must compensate the plaintiff for the costs of arranging for in-hand service.

Rules governing service of process vary by jurisdiction, so it's important to consult the state civil procedure rules for specific requirements.

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General chat about the legal profession.
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they're open
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washu is open
vanderbilt clearly is
Why clearly lol
two acceptances today
what !! Crazy
oh congrats to the vandy admits!!!
Hi everybody, I am applying to schools this August. I could use some brief help with optics for my personal statement, as I am a first-gen student in every regard--even at the high school graduate level.
what help are you looking for!
happy to give advice if helpful
Hey Everyone, I am also applying this cycle and have a question about my personal statement. I want to become a lawyer because of a personal trauma I experienced in the past. Is this too sensitive of a topic to mention in a PS? I won't go into detail and only mention it as it relates to my inspiration to be a lawyer.
[] ararara
Yo! LSD has an AI consultant named Molly to help detect for red flags and trauma dumping in personal statements. You can try it at no charge by signing up for a free trial of LSD+. Think it gives you like two weeks for free or something though so be mindful of how advanced you are in PS drafts. Might want to time it so you have access when it’s most important.
[] ararara
@darthaifos33: this is just my opinion but I think it’s important to try and keep things positive if you can because it will reflect well on you if you can. I’ve been fortunate to read a lot of PSs as an lsat tutor and I’ve gotta say there is a lot of darkness in the world. It’s cliche but that’s the perfect time for your heart to shine through! Also, always keep in mind you’re applying to a professional school so there has to be that relevance I think.
[] ararara
Even though it’s impossible try to imagine a bunch of candidates who have had it way harder than what you’re saying but are also big about it. That’s why I think it looks better to be positive if you can about trauma even though it can be hard af.
Of course! I plan to positvely weave it through my narrative and relevant professional experience in a way that isn't too dark or anything like that. I just wasn't sure if it was a big taboo or anything like that
[] ararara
@TacitSplendidShrew: @darthaifos33 https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1jsyd1Mq8RlyMVqli_BW9z1uxY2SzNtFK?sort=13&direction=a definitely try molly and check this link out as well! The only thing about molly is some apps ask if you used AI to write your statement so be mindful of what they’re asking/what you’re using molly for!
is LSDs AI assistant being named molly on purpose
@manifestmoreadmissions: OMG LOL
@manifestmoreadmissions: OMG LOL
am I considered KJD if I am applying the summer right after May graduation?
no because you’ll have a full year before you start school
Omg lol who cares
In my opinion thats close enough @darthaifos33
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