






Simple English definitions for legal terms

patent application

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A quick definition of patent application:

A patent application is a request made by an inventor to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for exclusive rights to their invention. The application includes a detailed description of the invention, drawings, and a fee. It must also include at least one claim, which is a statement that defines the scope of the invention. A provisional patent application does not require an oath or declaration, but all other applications do.

A more thorough explanation:


A patent application is a request made by an inventor to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for a patent. It must include a detailed description of the invention, drawings, at least one claim, and a filing fee. If it is not a provisional patent application, it must also include an oath or declaration.

Example 1: John has invented a new type of solar panel that is more efficient than any other solar panel on the market. He files a patent application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to protect his invention from being copied by others.

Example 2: Sarah has created a new type of software that can detect and prevent cyber attacks. She submits a patent application to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to protect her invention from being stolen by others.

The examples illustrate how inventors use patent applications to protect their inventions from being copied or stolen by others. By filing a patent application, the inventor is requesting that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office grant them exclusive rights to their invention for a certain period of time. This allows the inventor to profit from their invention and prevents others from using or selling it without their permission.

Patent and Trademark Office | patent-application amendment




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i literally know @suddy irl but i didnt know that and thought she was a boy at first lol
apt pt apt pt apt pt o o o o o o
uhhh uhuhuh
@suddy: Okay thx u. Last year it took them 3.5 months to reject me. For this cycle, I submitted it on the 17th of Jan and they already said decision so i'm like freaking out
Good luck, cannoli!
I can't tell if a quick decision like this is good, bad or doesn't mean anything
I am glad I am mysterious to my fellow LSData users
@suddy: thank you
good luck! usually its a good thing. also 15/15 bye everyone lol
@Eggan: thank you!
what would you guys think if you saw a guy juggling at the gym. I’m still baffled
@bonelesscannoli: schools have to really hate you to get a quick R, i applied to 22 schools and i only got a quick R from one
it's much more likely it's an A
@KnowledgeableRitzyWasp: HAHA i can't really tell if this is supposed to make me optimistic or not!
@KnowledgeableRitzyWasp: ope didn't see the next one
i got rejected from 10 places last year (every school i applied to) so i'm a little unhinged about all of this rn
did you raise your LSAT from last year?
I took the LSAT twice last cycle. 8/24: 142 and 11/24: 135. Rough I know. But I retook it 11/25 and got a 154.
nice job. that should help a lot
Not great at all still, but had a lot going on with life. Been a rough year
@honeybun: thank you, i really hope so
comparison is the thief and joy and all that. 12 points higher than your previous highest score is major and you should be super proud of yourself
^ !!!
that really means a lot thank you honestly
@honeybun: chappel roan slaps
@bonelesscannoli: not bad at all youre better than 50% of applicants
I really have to pull back on reddit. I feel more like less than better 50% lmao. Glass half empty mentality
Take care everyone, and I wish you all the best of luck, truly
laters bestie
I am confident you'll get in, cannoli - you are above both medians! Congrats
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