Simple English definitions for legal terms
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Public Right-of-Way: This is the right that everyone has to travel on roads, highways, and other paths that are meant for public use. It means that people can walk, bike, or drive on these paths without being stopped or blocked by anyone else. This right is given to everyone by the government, and it is important for people to follow the rules of the road to keep everyone safe.
A public right-of-way is a term used to describe the right of passage held by the public in general to travel on roads, freeways, and other thoroughfares. It is a legal term that refers to the right to pass through property owned by another.
For example, a highway is a public right-of-way that allows people to travel from one place to another. The right to build and operate a railway line or a highway on land belonging to another is also considered a right-of-way. In addition, the right to take precedence in traffic is also a form of right-of-way.
Overall, a public right-of-way is an important legal concept that ensures that people have the right to travel freely and safely on public roads and highways.