


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of reeve:

A reeve is a person who used to have an important job in England a long time ago. They were in charge of a place called a hundred, which was like a small area with its own rules and laws. The reeve made sure everyone followed the rules and went to court if they didn't. Sometimes, the reeve was also in charge of a town or village. There were different types of reeves, like a borough reeve who was in charge of a small town, or a shire-reeve who was in charge of a whole area called a shire. Nowadays, we don't have reeves anymore, but we have other people who do similar jobs to keep our communities safe and fair.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: A reeve (reev) is a historical ministerial officer of high rank who had local jurisdiction. They were the chief magistrate of a hundred and executed process, kept the peace, and enforced the law by holding court within the hundred.

There were different types of reeves:

  • A minor officer serving the Crown at the hundred level; a bailiff or deputy-sheriff.
  • An overseer of a manor, parish, or the like.
  • The head of an unincorporated municipality in England.
  • The reeve of a shire, who was a forerunner of the sheriff.

For example, in Anglo-Saxon times, the reeve was an independent official, and the hundred-moot was not a preliminary stage to the shire-moot at all. But after the Conquest, the hundred assembly lost its importance very quickly. The reeve of the hundred became the deputy of the sheriff, and the chief purpose of holding the hundred court was to enable the sheriff to hold his tourn and to permit a ‘view of frankpledge,’ i.e., an inspection of the person who ought to belong to the frankpledge system.

Another example is the borough reeve, who was the head of an unincorporated municipality in England.

The examples illustrate how the reeve was an important historical figure who had local jurisdiction and was responsible for executing process, keeping the peace, and enforcing the law. They were also responsible for overseeing different areas, such as manors, parishes, and municipalities. The reeve of the hundred became the deputy of the sheriff, and the chief purpose of holding the hundred court was to enable the sheriff to hold his tourn and to permit a ‘view of frankpledge.’

reenactment rule | reexamination certificate


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my dad went to duke law so i have been a fan forever
Duke is fun. I took a trip there when I was 19 or so. Really good time when I was a young rapscallion.
and ik i just dont think i gave myself enough time for a guaranteed 170+ performance
I didnt see if anyone answered my UGA question. Did anyone answer it?
@Dkkm11: are you not still a young rapscallion?
Nah, I am gray-bearded wizard.
Hmmm. I guess that’s okay.
Honestly, idk what I would call myself these days. Will probably not know until I can reflect on this part of my life which will be idk, in like 5 years when I am 32.
Does your life come in 5 year epochs typically?
Someone told me a while ago that I was probably molested as a kid because I don’t really have any clear memories of my childhood. But I don’t think I was.
Inside thoughts!
this is where I post my inside thoughts
Nah, the fucked up thing about therapists is they try and make you think your parents are your enemy 99% of the time and really they should be telling you that your parents have almost no effect on the rest of your life. If they can get you to keep focusing on your parents they can keep making money.
Yeah, my life really does flow in about 5 years periods.
My crypto also flows in 5 day epochs too.
what do you do with your days as an unemployed crypto guy? do you play an instrument or something
please lawd
forgive me
its time to go back to tha old me
this is what i feel like when i get one single drill question right
when u get one wrong ;(
therapist slander detected
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Is anyone in here cool like fr cool
Like watch college football cool
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