Simple English definitions for legal terms
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A secret session is a meeting where only certain people are allowed to attend. It is also known as an executive session. During this meeting, important business is discussed in private. The public is not allowed to attend, and the details of the meeting are kept confidential. Secret sessions are often used by governments and organizations to discuss sensitive information or make important decisions.
A secret session is a meeting where only certain people are allowed to attend. It is also known as an executive session. During a secret session, important matters are discussed and decisions are made behind closed doors.
For example, the United States Senate used to hold secret sessions to advise the President about executive business such as appointments and treaties. Military courts also have secret sessions where members deliberate alone.
The purpose of a secret session is to keep sensitive information private and to allow for frank discussions without fear of public scrutiny. However, it is important to note that secret sessions should only be used when necessary and not as a way to hide information from the public.