


Simple English definitions for legal terms

utility patent

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A quick definition of utility patent:

A utility patent is a type of legal protection that an inventor can obtain for the way an invention is used and works. To get a utility patent, the inventor must file an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that includes specific claims about the invention. The patent lasts for 20 years from the filing date and requires maintenance fees. If someone infringes on a utility patent, the patent owner can bring a legal action in federal court.

A more thorough explanation:

A utility patent is a type of patent that protects the way an invention is used and works. To get a utility patent, the inventor must file an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that includes specific property claims to be examined. The patent application can have multiple claims and must be accompanied by figures and support documents required by the USPTO.

For example, if someone invents a new type of machine that can make coffee faster and more efficiently, they can apply for a utility patent to protect the way the machine works and is used.

The term of a utility patent is 20 years from the U.S. filing date, or from the earliest effective U.S. filing date if the application contains a specific reference to an earlier application. Maintenance fees are required for utility patents.

If someone believes that their utility patent has been infringed upon, they can bring an action against the infringing party. Infringement occurs when someone makes, uses, offers for sale, or sells any patented invention without authorization. A claim for utility patent infringement is brought in federal district court.

For example, if the inventor of the coffee machine mentioned earlier obtains a utility patent for their invention, they can take legal action against anyone who makes or sells a similar coffee machine without their permission.

Utility patents are different from design patents, which protect the way an article looks rather than the way it works.

Utilities and transportation - State statutes | UTMA


General chat about the legal profession.
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yeah most colleges are very liberal with their days off
@ararara: sorry i didn’t think i was saying anything bad, just talking about the waitlist experience
[] ararara
It just sounds like you're dooming I would get off this thing!
i'm happy all the time
going to my ex-boyfriend's best friend's comedy show tn
also it's july i don't think anything substantive is going on in this chat
is your ex’s friend funny
[] ararara
Not if you take the chat and fill it up with long paragraphs so that relevant comments disappear. Please don't be difficult. Have a good day people!
probably? when we were in college he won our school's comedy competition
[] ararara
@pookiebear: CONGRATS GW IS HUGE
that’s cool bunny
yeah idk if my ex shows up i will cry or punch someone
why not both
well i don’t encourage violence but if you feel the need to punch someone hopefully it’s him
hi this doesnt seem like the place to ask this but does anyone know any law schools that are good for a future specialization in immigration law?
they live like two hours away from me and I think the friend decided to do this show specifically to see me which is a whole other can of worms
ooh this is like a romance book
[] ararara
@s95: My cousin is an immigration attorney who recently argued in front of the supreme court. He attended the University of Houston for law school. There are so many good schools for immigration law, countless clinics.
[] ararara
@s95: The higher the rank though basically means more opportunities possibly with a debt trade off. It's hard for me to say more without knowing your goals though. Awesome you already have an idea what you want to do as a lawyer!
[] ararara
I would research immigration law clinics
@s95: generally school specialties are kind of silly. it’s usually the rank of the school that determines the opportunities you can get from it across the board
with caveats for strong regional schools with a regional focus and so on
@s95 University of San Diego
@dkkm10: nice diss
Ahh well I kinda meant that seriously given I know 3 attorneys who went there and they did immigration law afterwards.
They have a really strong immigration clinic too.
Happy fourth of july future lawyers !! :)
USD actually does really well for immigration in the SoCal region, and is known to have a great clinic.
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