


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Westminster the First, Statute of

Read a random definition: European Convention on Human Rights

A quick definition of Westminster the First, Statute of:

The Westminster the First, Statute of was a law made in England a long time ago. It had 51 parts that talked about different things. Some of the things it talked about were:

  • Protecting the church's things from the king and rich people who might take them
  • Making sure people could vote freely
  • Making sure people didn't have to pay too much money if they did something wrong
  • Stopping people from doing bad things when they were in charge of someone else's things
  • Making sure people didn't have to pay too much money to use roads or bridges
  • Making sure people who worked for the king didn't have too much power
  • Making sure people who did bad things were punished fairly and quickly

The law was made a long time ago, in the year 1275.

A more thorough explanation:

The Westminster the First, Statute of is an English law that was divided into 51 chapters, which later became separate acts of Parliament. It was created in 1275 during the reign of King Edward I. The statute included various provisions that aimed to protect the rights of the church, regulate the levying of tolls, and amend the criminal and civil procedures.

  • Protecting the property of the church from the violence and spoliation of the Crown and nobles.
  • Providing for the freedom of popular elections.
  • Enforcing the rules contained in Magna Carta against excessive fines.
  • Enumerating and correcting the abuses of tenures, especially concerning marriages of wards.
  • Regulating the levying of tolls.
  • Correcting and restraining the powers of the royal escheator and other officers.
  • Amending the criminal law, especially by classifying rape as a most grievous, though not capital, offense.
  • Making criminal and civil procedures more expeditious and less costly.

For example, the provision that protected the property of the church from the violence and spoliation of the Crown and nobles aimed to prevent the powerful individuals from taking advantage of the church's wealth and resources. Similarly, the provision that regulated the levying of tolls aimed to ensure that the tolls were reasonable and fair for everyone.

Westminster Confession of Faith | West Point


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I have a job offer but it's so annoying this background check takes foreverrrr
gonna substitute teach in the meantime or smth
How long does it take?
Are you the cool sub or the one all the kids hate?
I'm a sweetie pie and little girls tell me I remind them of barbie we have a great time
I subbed once. The kids called me gorilla arms. I haven’t been back since
the only issue for me is that kids these days are too online and there are ten-year-olds saying things like rizz and goat. makes me sad
I got autocorrected
gorilla arms is crazy ngl
The application process rewards elaborate image cultivation, sick and twisted really. Resist the impulse if you can.
you are marketing yourself as a commodity
it is what it is
I mean yeah but why are we acting like this is unique to law school? Image cultivation is rewarded in every commercialized aspect of life.
You could even make a case that figuring out how to cultivate your image for law school is helping you develop skills that will benefit you throughout your career
I did not state that this phenomenon is unique to law school application
in fact it is ubiquitous
yes, it is what it is
is nostra the new saint camp
personal brand is nothing new and you should embrace it. nothing narcissistic about marketing yourself
@KnowledgeableRitzyWasp: literally what I thought re: saintcamp
hahahaha i’m sure he would be glad to pass the torch
KnowledgeableRitzyWasp did you apply to schools pretty late in the cycle?
yeah in early december
oh okay
Is it a bad idea if I start to apply in January?
Just talked to someone interested in going to law school and suggested they check out lsd.law happy to see this place is still booming
my controversial opinion for the night is that I think it’s kind of silly when someone says they’ve read a book when what they actually mean is they listened to the audiobook as background noise while running errands
I’ve never listened to a complete audiobook and don’t know how people do it. Just read lol
@Hockey: yes
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