99% dont but the 1% who know how to network sell their bodies. How I got laid.
Rank |
Result | App type | FW | Resident | Schol... | Sent | Sent raw | Received | Received raw | Complete | Complete raw | UR | UR raw | UR2 | UR2 raw | II | II raw | Decision | Decision raw |
28 | Boston College | Waitlisted | RDregular decision | nono | no | |||||||||||||||
4 | Duke University | Rejected | RDregular decision | yesno | no | |||||||||||||||
42 | Emory University | Rejected | RDregular decision | nono | no | |||||||||||||||
41 | George Washington Un... | Rejected | RDregular decision | yesno | no | |||||||||||||||
14 | Georgetown University | Rejected | EDearly decision | nono | no | |||||||||||||||
52 | Pepperdine University | Waitlisted | Unknown | nono | no | |||||||||||||||
103 | Samford University | Accepted, Wi... | RDregular decision | yesno | yes | $90,000 | ||||||||||||||
33 | UAlabama | Waitlisted | RDregular decision | yesno | yes | |||||||||||||||
4 | UPennsylvania | Rejected | RDregular decision | yesno | no | |||||||||||||||
66 | URichmond | Accepted, Wi... | Unknown | nono | no | $120,000 | ||||||||||||||
4 | UVirginia | Rejected | RDregular decision | nono | no | |||||||||||||||
19 | Vanderbilt University | Waitlisted | RDregular decision | nono | no | |||||||||||||||
25 | Wake Forest University | Accepted, Wi... | Unknown | nono | no | $30,000 | ||||||||||||||
33 | Washington and Lee U... | Hold, Withdrawn | RDregular decision | yesno | no | |||||||||||||||
36 | William & Mary Law S... | Accepted, At... | RDregular decision | yesno | no | $65,346 |