


Simple English definitions for legal terms

droit d'aubaine

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A quick definition of droit d'aubaine:

The droit d'aubaine was a law in France that allowed the king to take the property of a foreigner who died in France, even if they had a will. This law was abolished in 1819, but it was sometimes not enforced and had exceptions for certain groups of people. Basically, it meant that if you were a foreigner and died in France, the king could take your stuff.

A more thorough explanation:

Droit d'aubaine (drwah doh-ben) is a legal term that refers to a sovereign's right to the property of a deceased alien, regardless of whether the alien had a will. This right was primarily exercised in France, where it was revived in some form by Napoleon after its initial abolishment in 1790. It was ultimately abolished in 1819.

For example, under the French rule of law, known as the droit d'aubaine, the whole property of an alien dying in France without leaving children born in that country escheated to the crown. The royal right was not universally exacted, and at a very early period special exceptions were introduced in favour of certain classes. Thus Louis XI exempted merchants of Brabant, Flanders, Holland, and Zealand from the operation of the law, and a similar privilege was extended by Henri II to merchants of the Hanse towns, and from Scotland.

The term droit d'aubaine refers to a legal concept that was primarily used in France. It gave the sovereign the right to the property of a deceased alien, regardless of whether the alien had a will. This meant that if an alien died in France without leaving any children born in that country, their property would go to the crown. However, there were exceptions to this rule, such as exemptions for certain classes of people, like merchants from specific regions.

The examples provided illustrate how the droit d'aubaine worked in practice. For instance, Louis XI exempted merchants of Brabant, Flanders, Holland, and Zealand from the operation of the law, while Henri II extended a similar privilege to merchants of the Hanse towns and Scotland. These exemptions show that the droit d'aubaine was not always strictly enforced and that certain groups of people were able to avoid its effects.

droit d'accroissement | droit d'auteur


General chat about the legal profession.
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some gulc peeps on reddit were specifically trying to figure out what it meant
if its this many people this may not be a good sign
i assume their class is mostly full at this point, so theres no way theyd give out this many a's so late in the cycle
unless its a r and a wave
people were saying could simply have been clerical/orginizational/formatting changes being recognized by the system as updates when in reality its a nothing burger
but who knows
not sure i articulated that clearly
yeah i got waitlisted by them but never responded to the waitlist email and i got the update
probably just internal clerical stuff
i hope im not catching the r after 3 locis
i've been on the wl since december 😭
I’ve been on the WL for SMU since April and I thought I had it bad… sheesh
i want to get the verso book club subscription so bad...
i need a sugar daddy
ive been on WL since early January at this point I just want the R and closure to move on
doubt after so long ill get an A
@menherachan: I write a LOCI every month lmao they have enough writing material from me for a novella
these WLs make me feel sick
just one A
that's all i want
why was i so delusional when i was picking schools to apply to
are waitlist acceptances a thing this late?
really just 1-off things as people have other opportunities/ emergencies pop up and decide to defer or withdraw
theoretically there could be an orientation no-show and they can give someone on WL an A and say hi show up tomorrow if you want it
and you'll be the one getting that A purgatory!!
thanks! hard to stay hopeful 7 months in, also receiving a WL update every month starting with we have spaces open and will be looking to WL to fill those seats to yeah there's like 1 space available
will you r&r if the WLs don't pan out or are you in somewhere else?
still talking about it with my therapist lol
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