split custody definition · LSData








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split custody

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A quick definition of split custody:

Split custody is when parents have more than one child and they each get custody of at least one child. Sometimes, one child lives with one parent all the time and the other child lives with the other parent all the time. Other times, the children switch back and forth between the parents' homes. Split custody is not very common because it's usually better for siblings to stay together. But sometimes, split custody is the best choice if the children don't get along or if one child wants to live with a different parent. Parents have to agree on split custody and show the court that it's the best thing for their children. The court will look at different things to decide if split custody is okay.

A more thorough explanation:

Split custody is a type of custody arrangement where parents divide the custody of their children between them. This means that one parent has sole custody of some of the children, while the other parent has sole custody of the remaining children. Split custody is not common because it is generally not considered beneficial to split up siblings.

However, there are some situations where split custody is the best option. For example, if there are children who are very combative or abusive with each other, one child has serious mental health problems, or it is otherwise impossible to parent them together all the time due to their joint behaviors, parents can choose to engage in a split custody arrangement. Another common situation where split custody is implemented is when one of the children is an older teen and wants to live with the parent other than the primary custodial one.

In order to get split custody, parents must ensure that their state laws allow for it, they must agree on the custody arrangement, and they must show the court that split custody is the best way to serve the interests of their children. The court will look at a number of factors before it will allow a split custody arrangement. In some states, these are listed in the split custody laws. In others, the court will use the "best interests of the child" standard to see if it is right for the children. Note that even if the parents agree on the arrangement, the court may not approve it.

For example, if a family has three children and the parents decide to split custody, one parent may have sole custody of the oldest child, while the other parent has sole custody of the younger two children. This arrangement may be necessary if the oldest child has a strong preference to live with the other parent and the parents agree that it is in the best interest of all the children.

Another example is if two siblings are constantly fighting and it is affecting their mental health and well-being. In this case, the parents may decide to split custody so that each parent has sole custody of one child. This way, the siblings can have a break from each other and hopefully improve their relationship over time.

Overall, split custody is a custody arrangement that involves dividing the custody of children between parents. It is generally not common, but may be necessary in certain situations where it is in the best interest of the children.

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just so u guys know diamonds are a scam, very plentiful on earth, much less valuable than silver, plat, gold. junk rock
big lab grown fan llama?
literally just carbon either way. sure they are pretty but they are dependable.
i appreciate the beauty of both, im just having an autis rant srry
lab grown’s not very expensive tho
depending on the size i guess
more ethical too
there are lab grown diamonds and child labor diamonds
i prefer child labor diamonds for their authenticity
I only buy real diamonds if i get a polaroid of the child who harvested it to authenticate the rock
ok players I g2g. but if u want to oogle over some jewelry: https://www.youtube.com/@TraxNYCDiamondJewelry is my favorite
can reddit users please learn that when you post an instagram link it'll share your profile with anyone that opens it
so much self doxxing constantly happening on lsa 💀
put your tongue away
I buy a bowling ball for my woman when I want their ring size. That's been my strategy in the past.
Oh shit, I posted Instagram here once. I doxed myself then too lmfao.
when should i hear back if I applied 12/13 to cardozo, st johns, hofstra, nyls, brooklyn, and umiami - anyone else hear back and applied mid december ?
probably like sometime in march
@getmoney: check the charts. We have already given you an answer multiple times.
relax, what chart
Go to the school, Hofstra for example. Set the cycle to last year and sort the chart by date submitted. You can see when people who applied in December heard back last cycle
helloo everyone, does someone want to read one paragraph i wrote for GW law for the diversoty statement and tell me if it is good/bad?
In school, I was met with questions like, “Why are Muslim women oppressed?” or “Do you need bodyguards when you travel to Jordan?”
shoudl i keep those questions in there or is too much?
I would cut the questions and go in media res.
But, I guess it also depends on what the next few paragraphs are like. I personally am not a fan of rhetorical questions, as they're generally not well done, but they could work.
I like the questions but maybe italics instead of quotes so it feels more internal
like quotes are so blocky and chunky sometimes whereas italics feels more like seamless thoughts but I think that only works if it matches your writing style! I used rhetoricals in mine that way and it seems to have been working out okay
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