


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Unfair competition

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A quick definition of Unfair competition:

Unfair competition is when a business does something wrong or sneaky that hurts another business. This can include lying about their products, stealing secrets, or tricking customers. It's against the law and can cause a lot of problems for everyone involved. Some unfair competition is against federal law, but most of it is decided by each state's rules. The government tries to stop unfair competition to protect consumers and businesses from harm.

A more thorough explanation:

Unfair competition is a type of business practice that causes harm to a company through deceptive or wrongful actions. There are two main categories of unfair competition:

  • Deceptive trade practices, which are meant to confuse consumers about the source of a product
  • All other forms of unfair competition, which are known as unfair trade practices

Examples of unfair competition include:

  • Trademark infringement, which is when someone uses a company's logo or name without permission
  • Misappropriation, which is when someone uses a person's name or likeness without permission
  • False advertising, which is when a company makes false or misleading claims about their product
  • "Bait and switch" selling tactics, which is when a company advertises a product at a low price but then tries to sell a more expensive product instead
  • Unauthorized substitution of one brand of goods for another, which is when a company replaces a product with a different one without the customer's knowledge
  • Use of confidential information by former employees to solicit customers, which is when a former employee uses their knowledge of a company's customers to start their own business
  • Theft of trade secrets, which is when someone steals a company's confidential information
  • Breach of a restrictive covenant, which is when someone violates a contract that restricts their ability to compete with a company
  • Trade libel, which is when someone makes false statements about a company's product or service

The law of unfair competition is mainly governed by state common law, but federal law may apply in certain situations. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was established to protect consumers from deceptive trade practices, which indirectly protects competitors as well. Some states have enacted legislation dealing with specific types of unfair competition.

These examples illustrate how unfair competition can harm a company's reputation, sales, and customer base. It is important for businesses to protect themselves from unfair competition and for consumers to be aware of deceptive practices.

Unenforceable | Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs)


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for those of you wondering if admissions offices are working today i got an email from an adcomm today responding to something i sent earlier in the week
What does an interview for a transfer student at george mason mean?
JB was here yesterday dang it!!
Are law schools open today or do they also have another day off considering it's sandwiched between July 4th and the weekend?
they're open
is wash u open
@HangingAboriginalLeopard: my lsat is a 168, but i got the fordham wl this cycle. i applied to it as a safety, so im kinda surprised about the wl
washu is open
vanderbilt clearly is
Why clearly lol
two acceptances today
what !! Crazy
oh congrats to the vandy admits!!!
Hi everybody, I am applying to schools this August. I could use some brief help with optics for my personal statement, as I am a first-gen student in every regard--even at the high school graduate level.
what help are you looking for!
happy to give advice if helpful
Hey Everyone, I am also applying this cycle and have a question about my personal statement. I want to become a lawyer because of a personal trauma I experienced in the past. Is this too sensitive of a topic to mention in a PS? I won't go into detail and only mention it as it relates to my inspiration to be a lawyer.
[] ararara
Yo! LSD has an AI consultant named Molly to help detect for red flags and trauma dumping in personal statements. You can try it at no charge by signing up for a free trial of LSD+. Think it gives you like two weeks for free or something though so be mindful of how advanced you are in PS drafts. Might want to time it so you have access when it’s most important.
[] ararara
@darthaifos33: this is just my opinion but I think it’s important to try and keep things positive if you can because it will reflect well on you if you can. I’ve been fortunate to read a lot of PSs as an lsat tutor and I’ve gotta say there is a lot of darkness in the world. It’s cliche but that’s the perfect time for your heart to shine through! Also, always keep in mind you’re applying to a professional school so there has to be that relevance I think.
[] ararara
Even though it’s impossible try to imagine a bunch of candidates who have had it way harder than what you’re saying but are also big about it. That’s why I think it looks better to be positive if you can about trauma even though it can be hard af.
Of course! I plan to positvely weave it through my narrative and relevant professional experience in a way that isn't too dark or anything like that. I just wasn't sure if it was a big taboo or anything like that
[] ararara
@TacitSplendidShrew: @darthaifos33 https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1jsyd1Mq8RlyMVqli_BW9z1uxY2SzNtFK?sort=13&direction=a definitely try molly and check this link out as well! The only thing about molly is some apps ask if you used AI to write your statement so be mindful of what they’re asking/what you’re using molly for!
is LSDs AI assistant being named molly on purpose
@manifestmoreadmissions: OMG LOL
@manifestmoreadmissions: OMG LOL
am I considered KJD if I am applying the summer right after May graduation?
no because you’ll have a full year before you start school
Omg lol who cares
In my opinion thats close enough @darthaifos33
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