


Simple English definitions for legal terms

Regulation Fair Disclosure (FD)

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A quick definition of Regulation Fair Disclosure (FD):

Regulation Fair Disclosure (FD) is a rule made by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that says public companies must tell everyone important information at the same time. Before this rule, some companies would tell secret information to some people before they told everyone else. This was not fair to all the investors. Now, companies have to tell everyone important information at the same time. If they accidentally tell some people before others, they have to tell everyone else soon after. They have to tell everyone by filling out a special form called Form 8-K.

A more thorough explanation:

Regulation Fair Disclosure (FD) is a rule created by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that requires public companies to share important information with everyone at the same time. This information is called "material non-public information" and it includes things like earnings reports and other important news that could affect the company's stock price.

Before this rule was created, some companies would share this information with certain people, like stock analysts or big investors, before telling everyone else. This gave those people an unfair advantage because they could use the information to make decisions about buying or selling the company's stock before anyone else knew what was going on.

Now, companies have to share this information with everyone at the same time, so that everyone has a fair chance to make decisions based on the same information. If a company accidentally shares the information with some people before others, they have to tell everyone else as soon as possible.

For example, let's say that a company is going to announce that they had a really good quarter and made a lot of money. Before Regulation FD, they might have told a few big investors about this news before telling everyone else. Those investors could have bought a lot of the company's stock before the news was announced, and then sold it for a profit once the news became public. Now, the company has to tell everyone at the same time, so that everyone has a fair chance to buy or sell the stock based on the same information.

Regulation D | Regulation S-K


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hello harvard adcomms its national talk like a pirate day so arrrrrrrr you ready to accept the lowest gpa applicant u ever have!?!?
I will wear a suit on my first day of law class ./ First impressions are important
What’s up chat. It’s been a rough morning
why did your morning suck
Personal stuff with my ex :/. I wanted to vent to strangers on the internet lol
How’s Cornell? 4th week this week?
that sucks :(
yeah were just ending the 4th week
lots of work, but manageable
It does. Really bad, I think my boss new I was crying in my car lolllll
sorry that sucks
That’s good! You got a good routine going?
It’s ok, we ball
we ball
yeah, try to get most of the readings done on the weekends so the weeks arent as bad
hurting for free time though
wasp i just looked at your cycle and did you like pee in the shoes of admissions officers?
the retroactive withdrawls really hurt me
made them question my ability to stick through law school
withdrawals in undergrad?
yeah 2 years of classes
ah you filed retro W's from classes in UG?
ah okay, sorry homie that's rough
it's fine i got into one of my top choices so im really happy
<3 happy for you
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