


Simple English definitions for legal terms


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A quick definition of Notice:

Notice: When someone wants to take legal action that could affect another person's rights, they must give that person notice. This means they have to let the person know that a lawsuit is happening and how it could affect them. The way notice is given depends on the type of case and who it affects. If it affects a specific person, they usually have to be given notice in person. If it affects a lot of people, notice can be given by publishing it in a newspaper. It's important to give proper notice so that everyone has a fair chance to defend themselves in court.

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Notice is a legal requirement that ensures all parties involved in a case are informed that a lawsuit is pending and that it could affect their interests. The Due Process clauses of the United States Constitution prohibit courts from hearing a case that could adversely affect a party's interest unless that party has been given proper notice. The degree of required notice varies depending on what type of jurisdiction a court intends to exercise.

Example 1: In a case where a court intends to exercise in personam jurisdiction, in-hand service of process is usually required. This means that the party being sued must be personally served with a copy of the lawsuit. For example, if someone is suing their neighbor for property damage, they must personally serve their neighbor with a copy of the lawsuit.

Example 2: In a case where a court intends to exercise in rem jurisdiction, the plaintiff usually must inform all known parties of interest by a reasonably reliable means, and may then inform the rest of the world by "notice by publication" - purchasing a notice in a local newspaper multiple times over a period of several weeks. For example, if the government seizes and sells property for unpaid property taxes, they must inform all known parties with an interest in the property, such as the owner and any lienholders, by a reliable means such as certified mail. They may then inform the rest of the world by publishing a notice in a local newspaper.

Example 3: In Jones v. Flowers, a state seized and sold property for unpaid property taxes. A certified letter meant to notify the owner of the impending sale was returned to the state as "unclaimed." Afterwards, the state made no additional attempt to contact the owner directly. The Court rejected the state's notice as insufficient, emphasizing that notice “must be such as one desirous of actually informing the absentee might reasonably adopt to accomplish it." This example illustrates that notice is not a mere formality and must be sufficient to actually inform the parties involved.

Overall, notice is an important legal requirement that ensures all parties involved in a case are informed and have the opportunity to defend their interests.

Note | notice of default


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Speaking of stat twins kazuyamishima were exact stat twins lol
Anyone going to the UGA zoom thing on the 22nd?
My bad, 24th*
Idk, what's it for?
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that you will get UR2 in 3 more
somethings gotta give
I’m new. What’s the UR and UR2?
I already went ur2. It’s the 3rd status date change
@RustyWrangler: attend one of their virtual info sessions and they'll send you a fee waiver
@Law-Guy: Awesome, thanks! I'll sign up rn!
i'm not entirely sure
They've recently been sending a lot of interview invites
It means status change?
Someone said there is a wl/r wave coming but how can that even be predicted 😭
This is obviously not true for UVA. Past years show they don't send any non A results until December
this is gonna sound so dumb but what do yall mean when you say date change
So the date under “application under review” changes with each reader.
does anything automatically update on the lsd checker or is that all manual
wow those dean z videos just ruined my night
Which ones?
look up dean z application reviews
on youtube
i actully had to turn it off
stummy hurt
wait why??
I haven’t watched them
just cus i wanted to hear ab i could relate too more instead of people that sound like way better candidates than me
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